Tuesday, May 16, 2006


This fine citizen of Memphis sits in the Shelby County jail at 201 Poplar awaiting trial for the murder of a two year old child.Yeah, this upstanding pillar of society killed a child.
seems he and some of his homeboys had a beef with someone. The best way to settle this was by shooting into a group of people. To heck with being a man about it and taking him on to his face, he fires a gun into a crowd. Now that is something to be proud of.Guess he showed everybody what a real man he was.
Of course the sad part was the fact that a child had to die so he could prove his manhood. Regardless of the fact that this child had nothing to do with the problems. This child may have grown up to just be another crack-head, but then she could have also been mayor, president, or the doctor that cures cancer. But now shes just dead. What a freaking waste.
I joke about taking up urban sniping as a hobby. Man, I couldn't buy enough bullets to put down some of the cockroaches that abound here in Memphis. Man, but what a worthwhile hobby this would be.
All I can hope for is that this fine young man gets what he deserves. And hopefully he picks up a few good boyfriends while he's sharing shower space down at 201 Poplar. Here's to hoping that prayers really do get answered. Peace!!
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