Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Here I am in the position again.I know I've been lax in posting of late. But life has really been in a turmoil of late. Won't bore you with the details. Just let it suffice to say that a bad country song could be written from my life. Anyway, just letting my followers know that I'm still alive.
Posted by Hello


HypnoKitten said...

Hey there! Keep up with writing, I just put up a link to your blog from mine at if you want to check it out. If you could put up a link to me, that would be great. There will be more (nurse-type) people linking up, so keep us all updated on how you're doing! :)

TravelingNurse said...

Hey Jim yes, there are people out here keeping track of you. Are you still in MS? Or are you traveling again? I am currently in Napa California...check out my latest