Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hey Nurse!!

You know, one thing I have noticed since I've been here is that there is a total lack of time understanding here. Patients come off the ambulance stretcher wanting to know how long they are gonna be in the ER. Sometimes I just want to answer with an AMA form.
Or they start complaining about their length of stay in the ER. "I've been here for three hours. When is the test going to be finished and I can go home?" HMMM....maybe this abdominal pain you've had for a month is just not that important. Why do these people come to the ER and then complain about the wait. I mean, a three hour visit is great. I love to tell them that they are a head of the national average. Which is in the area of what six hours or so just to be triaged. I know that at THE MED in Memphis it was nothing for people to sit in the waiting room thru my whole shift and still be there when I came back in the next shift. Of course, a lot of these folks didn't have anything better to do. But I guess the Memphis folks were soldiers. They persevere through the trials and tribulations of an ER visit. No whining about the wait. Shoot, it's warm and dry. A TV. What else do you need?
I guess it comes from the McDonald's culture we live in now a days. You know what I mean, come in, place you order and be out the door shortly after that. Oh, but don't forget that these same people want a kind,caring nursing staff and doctors to spend time with them and actually listen to their complaints. Oh and please don't forget the warm blankets for the patient, family, and visitors. And do you have any fresh coffee? How 'bout some juice? I'm sorry folks, but do I look like Alice from Mel's diner? Let me break off from doing CPR on this ninety-eight year old to fetch you your hearts desire.
Wake up folks and realize that health care is not a trip to the store or McDonald's. You are not the only one wanting to be taken care of. No the nurses and doctors are not there to wait on you hand and foot. We are there to get you stable enough to go to the floor or ICU. Or maybe to send you to your regular doctor. And yes you do need to see the doctor we refer you to. That is why we recommend them. maybe they can treat your chronic problems and you don't have to wait for hours in the ER. Amazing how that works, huh?
Let me know your thoughts on my rant. Am I wrong? I welcome all opinions, even if they are wrong. Peace!!


TravelingNurse said...

You are so right. What happened to the days of nurse Rachet where you shut up and did what you were told and only called the nurse if you were bleeding or gasping for breath? The McDonald's attitude says it all...people today have no patience or care to think about others only themselves and what we can do for them. The sad thing is most hospitals back them up and tell us to be nicer, move faster, and never say no even if it's for their own good. Amazing. Hang in there...how many days left till you get a break?

Killer said...

As soon as the complaining starts, that is when the rectal exam needs to start; sans lubrication.

"Your foot hurts? Well, we better check out your prostate to make sure it isn't causing a problem. You might feel a little pressure."