Thursday, March 20, 2008

In the End....

You know that's what so great about blogging....You can post your thoughts and anyone can comment on them. Sometimes its good, bad, or indifferent. But all in all the comments really don't matter for this is something I do for me.
The great thing about life is that it's a death sentence in the end. There is no chance for parole. No call from the governor at the last minute.
Somewhere it is written:

we came to bury Ceasar not praise him,

the good that man does is oft interred with his bones,

the evil lives on forever.

I guess that all I can hope for when my sentence is complete is that the evil I have done is at least equaled by the good that I have done. My boys are my legacy to the world. I can only hope that they spread good unto the world and where ever I spend eternity I can look back on them with pride. For they are definitely my pride now. The house I own, the truck I drive, the amount in my bank account, the job I do, none of that really matters in the end. For all of this can be gained and lost in a heartbeat, my sons are a one time gift. All I can really hope for is that I instill into them a sense of worth, and that they do good for the world.

I bid you happiness and love. Drop a line and say HI.

1 comment:

TravelingNurse said...

Don't forget that every life is a gift..and your life is a gift as well.I feel my life is better since I "met" you. I really enjoy getting on line and seeing a new is a journey my friend, enjoy the twists and turns, it's the downs that make us appreciate the ups. Always here to lend an ear...