Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Life Update...

I have also found that family is more important than all else. For without my family I would have foundered in the sea of depression that I have found myself in. I have discovered that although it's been seventeen years since I've had a baby of my own to take care, I can do a halfway decent job.
I have also learned to really listen to the advice of friends. That sometimes they really are right. (Sorry Booker, next time i'll listen.) I have learned that owning a house does not necessarily make it a home. That sometimes it just becomes a really expensive mini-storage unit. Something to house broken dreams, tore apart promises, and the tears that no-one else will ever see.
I have also learned that my boys are more important to me than anything else in this world. That I will move heaven and Earth, and walk thru the fires of Hell for them. I will allow no one to do anything that will cause them harm. They are now my life and forever will be. Even moreso than they were before.
If any of this makes sense, then you know what I'm talking about. If not, and you got questions, then feel free to ask. Right now i'm an open book.
Take care, Jim


TravelingNurse said...

Hey Jim, do you watch Intervention? It's a great show...the addict affects everone around must protect yourself (and your guys)and get the help you need to deal with the addict. Here for ya...

southerngirl said...

I love ya cuz!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just hang on to those boys for dear life and you all will be alright!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....hope you make it through your pain, whatever it is! One part of your posting is clear, but the other part is cryptic. God is on your side.
Preacher Paul

JLeonard said...

Hey Preacher, thanks for dropping by. Tell me whats the cryptic part...I'll clear up for you. Jim

Anonymous said...

The part about advice and torn apart dreams. Is that related to the drug addict who was trying to destroy you? Ecclesiastes 8:2 addresses drug abuse in a roundabout way. Stay strong. Jesus loves you. I preach in Millington and would love to have you come to church with us.
Preacher Paul

JLeonard said...

Preacher, I had friends that were telling me to stay away from her. That she was nothing but trouble. She had made promises to me that all that was behind her. All my friends were telling me not to believe her. I tried to start a life with her and she tore my dreams and life apart with her problems. Thats what I meant. Jim

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you. I hope you find a better lady. Life can seem pretty long without a helpmate in the Biblical sense.
Stay strong.
Preacher Paul