Thursday, July 29, 2004


 Howdy ya'll. Not much has been going on of late. Just working and trying to sleep. And of course, squeezing in a odd meal here and there. Like I need to miss many of those.  Have made  a few observations about the people up here. Of course other than being totally different from the good folks in Gods Country (more commonly known as the South). It seems that as soon as one of them come into the hospital they go totally beserk. I mean your not even finished with the admit stuff and they are climbing the walls. Darnedest thing I ever seen. Seems like all of them up here have a prior history of drug and alcohol abuse. Heck I don't even ask if they use drugs or drink. I just ask how much. And ninty nine percent of the time I'm right. I don't care what they say about the South. The north is just as bad, if not worse.
 Now for something totally different......The other night I was going to the canteen (read vending machines) for a Diet Pepsi. Now you all know I am a Diet Coke type guy. Why you may ask am I drinking Diet Pepsi. Well lemme tell ya, Diet Pepsi is all they got in this hospital. And It is about to kill me. Shoot I can make a twenty ounce one last purt near all night. Any way as I said I was headed for the canteen and Mark, a fella I work with, gave me some change and asked me to get him a "SNIKA" . I of course looked at him like a fool. He said "you know a candy bar? With chocolate and nuts and caramel". I thought about it for a minute and it hit me. He was wanting a SNICKERS. Sheesh, had no idea what he was talking about. Anyway I got a good giggle out of it. Anyway that about covers it for now.
 Going out this weekend to do some more of the picture thing. Gonna get 'em posted here as soon as possible. You wouldn't believe how freaking pretty this state is. Wish Icould bring it home with me. And leave the yankees here. Talk to you soon.

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